Mini Emergency Cleansing Kit
Use with the following energy pollutants: homeschool drama, Covid burn out, volatile co-worker or boss, political anxiety, general chaos and frazzle, marital conflict, social distance blues, and so much more.
Comes with muscle shell, feather, mini sage, and a Smokey Quartz (for grounding, balance, and transformation).
Use with the following energy pollutants: homeschool drama, Covid burn out, volatile co-worker or boss, political anxiety, general chaos and frazzle, marital conflict, social distance blues, and so much more.
Comes with muscle shell, feather, mini sage, and a Smokey Quartz (for grounding, balance, and transformation).
Use with the following energy pollutants: homeschool drama, Covid burn out, volatile co-worker or boss, political anxiety, general chaos and frazzle, marital conflict, social distance blues, and so much more.
Comes with muscle shell, feather, mini sage, and a Smokey Quartz (for grounding, balance, and transformation).