gather here.
October 17
Samhain Divination & Candle Workshop
Next in our Divination Workshop Series is Flame Scrying & Wax Reading, with a twist!
In this two hour class/workshop, we will be covering the history of pyromancy and carromancy, methods, and common interpretations, as well as practicing the methods and then creating our own Samhain Ancestor Divination Candles. Practice candles, info packets, guides, and everything needed to create your ancestor candle will be provided (as well as snacks!)
October 17th, 5 - 7pm at The Plant Shoppe
October 28
Hunter’s Moon Full Moon Virtual Ritual
Join us in celebrating and harnessing this Full Moon (and partial Lunar Eclipse) in Taurus.
The Hunter’s Moon is all about looking at what you have been cultivating this year, taking action on the things you need to change, and thinking about what you value most ahead of the dark days to come.
We will be creating our own incense & smoke cleansing blend, releasing and inviting intentions, and making an herbal moon water bath mix.
October 28th, 7pm, Zoom (meeting ID: 847 9156 3855)