The witches of Stag & Moon
Alysha McGuire - Owner & Founder
Alysha is an eclectic modern witch who uses practices new and old. To give insight, clarity, and validation to her clients and community she provides gentle care and intuitive explanations of her powerful gift within the tarot.
Tara Koch - Owner & Founder
Tara feels a strong connection to nature and the metaphysical world practicing an eclectic mix of folk magic and hedgewitchery from different ancestral traditions (most notably Irish Celtic, Mediterranean Stragheria & Roma folk, and Germanic Paganism). Energy work, magical & medicinal herbalism, divination in its many forms, ethical sustainability, and chaos magic are the many pillars of their craft. Her happy place is in the forest, where she can ground, center, and recharge.
Sea Dischner - Owner & Founder
Sea is a witch of mixed background and traditions. Having grown up close to her Celtic roots she now leans into exploring her indgenous customs. She practices tarot, chant and meditation, runes, and familiar magic. Always having an affinity for plants and animals, husbandry and herbalism are her cup of tea.