Divination & Astrology Services

Tarot Readings
One Card Reading
One card readings are best for yes/no questions, but can also be good for general guidance around a specific subject.
Digital - $5 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Two Card Reading
Common two card spreads are: pros/cons (about a specific decision or situation), situation/conflict (what is the situation, and what is wrong or what needs to be resolved), course A/course B (do I go this way or that way?), empower/disempower (what is strengthening me, what is weakening me?), and constrictive/expansive (what element in my life is stagnent and constrictive, and where is there room to grow?).
Digital - $10 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Three Card Reading
Common three card spreads are: past/present/future, problem/cause/solution, where you stand/what you aspire to/how to get there, what will help/what will hinder/potential, and what you can change/what you can’t change/what you may not know. They also work for basic relationship readings (you/your partner/your relationship) , and personal readings (strengths/weaknesses/advice).
Digital - $15 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Four Card Reading
Four card readings are great for decision making (current situation, positive, negative, solution), learning about yourself (what you have, what you desire, what you need, what is coming), well-being check-in (physical state, mental state, emotional state, spiritual state), elemental work (fire, earth, air, water), and many more.
Digital - $20 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Five Card Reading
Five card readings are the beginning of going deeper. They are great for a more in-depth past/present/future (with the addition of what is holding you back and how to push forward), relationship readings (you, your partner, your relationship, the positives, the negatives), horseshoe spreads that can be about any specific subject (past influence, present circumstance, issues, course of action, possible outcome), and much more.
Digital - $25 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Six Card Reading
Six card readings are similar to five card readings in that they allow for more a more in-depth view, but with the addition of another card (past/present/future/holding you back/how to move forward/possible future). They are also great for more in-depth relationship readings and general check-in readings.
Digital - $30 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Seven Card Reading
Seven card readings are great for relationships, understanding situations, and self-reflection. Most common is the horseshoe spread, similar to the five card reading, but more in-depth.
Digital - $35 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Ten Card Reading
The most common ten card reading is the Celtic Cross spread, which covers: the present, the challenge, the past, the future, best outcome, worst outcome, advice, external influences, hopes & fears, and possible outcome.
Digital - $50 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)

Rune Readings
One Rune Reading
Single rune readings are great for a fast solution to a problem, yes/no questions, and basic general guidance.
Digital - $5 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Two Rune Reading
The ancient Germanic people, unlike other cultures of that time, believed in a two-fold concept of time as opposed to a three-fold concept. To them, there wasn’t a past, present, and future, but instead a “that which is” and a “that which is becoming.” The two rune layout is based on that idea with the first rune representing “that which is” and the second rune representing “that which is becoming.”
Digital - $10 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Three Rune Reading
Three rune readings are good for people who do believe in the three-fold concept of time, and show past/present/future. They can also be good for situation/cause/solution, basic relationship readings, and basic personal guidance readings.
Digital - $15 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Four Rune Reading
The most common four rune reading is known as the Four Directions Layout. The names for each of these positions is named after each of the dwarfs that are said to hold up the sky. Nordri (North), Vestri (West), Austri (East), and Sudri (South). These runes represent (in order): past influences, present influences, possible future obstacles, and a possible outcome.
Digital - $20 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Five Rune Reading
The most common five rune reading is the Rune Cross, and can be used for a general reading or a specific question/situation. The runes represent: basic influences, obstacles, beneficial processes, possible outcome, and future influences.
Digital - $25 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Seven Rune Reading
There are two seven rune readings that are most used; the Midgard Serpent layout and the Bifrost layout. The Midgard Serpent spread represents the great serpent of Norse mythology that is said to be so long it encompasses the entire world. The runes represent: past feelings in relation to the situation, our struggles with the situation as a result of past feelings, present feelings, progress towards outcome, your goal, work needed to achieve goal, and final goal/possible outcome. The Bifrost layout represents each color of the rainbow bridge that connects the world of gods and the world of humans. The runes represent: red (past feelings), orange (effect of the past), yellow (present feelings), green (effect of the present), blue (future feelings), indigo (effect of the future), violet (overall outcome).
Digital - $35 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Nine Rune Reading
There are two common nine rune readings, the Grid of Nine and Odin’s Nine. The Grid of Nine is placed in a specific grid format and each rune represents: hidden past influences, basic past influences, present attitude towards the past, hidden present influences, the present, present attitude, hidden influences that may affect the future, best possible outcome/future, and the feelings of said outcome. Odin’s Nine is supposed to represent Odin with his spear sitting atop Yggdrasil for nine days in the story of Havamal. Each rune represents the same as the Grid of Nine with an emphasis on past, present, and future influences and feelings but with an added look at what action or feelings is needed for each.
Digital - $45 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Ten Rune Reading
The most common ten rune reading is the tarot layout of the Celtic Cross, which covers: the present, the challenge, the past, the future, best outcome, worst outcome, advice, external influences, hopes & fears, and possible outcome. Variations are sometimes made in which the questioner will blindly choose the first rune themselves, and this rune will set the tone for the entire reading.
Digital - $50 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)
Twelve Rune Reading
Egil’s Whalebone is a twelve rune reading that takes it’s inspiration from the Icelandic Saga titled, “Egil’s Saga”. In this story Egil is a rune master who cures Helga, who had become sick because of some runes wrongfully carved on whalebone and placed in her bed. Egil came, scraped off the old runes, and cured her by placing healing runes onto the whalebone. This reading is done a little differently, instead of each rune having it’s own separate meaning, runes are places into four groups of three and read together. Group one is what the runes think of your intentions/goals, group two is the possible negative things that could occur if you do not put effort towards your goal, group three is outside obstacles that may interfere with your goal, and group four is the runes advice on how you can overcome and achieve your goal.
Digital - $60 (comes with typed reading & picture of spread)

Tea Leaf Readings (Tasseomancy)
Tea Leaf Reading
Tasseomancy is based on the concept of directing energy. When we focus our intention on the tea, the leaves become energetic conduits that are capable of mirroring our experiences, past, present, and future. When prompted with a question, the leaves can reveal hidden blockages and offer advice through messages that are embedded within leaves' shape, density, color, and placement. Virtual tea leaf readings can be done by sending a picture to be interpreted.
Digital - $35 (comes with typed reading)

Wax Readings (Carromancy)
Candle Wax Reading - Digital
A candle wax reading can be a continuous assessment made as the candle burns. There is usually an ongoing change in the wax that can give you a better understanding how the spell is processing. However, this sometimes can have an effect on the spell, as our feelings towards the reading can change how the candle may burn, whether that be confusion or impatience.
If you’re new to carromancy and would like a reading done, I suggest sending a picture to be interpreted. This will give you the opportunity to complete your spell without any influence, and then receive a written report of my interpretation.
Digital reading - $10 (comes with typed reading)
Wax & Water Reading - 15 minute
The wax & water method of carromancy involved burning a candle while keeping intention or a question in mind, then dripping the wax into a bowl of cold water and interpreting the shapes made by the hardened wax. This method was used by Druids dating back to the 5th century, and the pattern interpretations later inspired those of Tasseomancy.
A 15 minute reading would be best for simple yes/no questions or general basic guidance.
15 minute digital reading - $15 (comes with typed reading and picture)
Wax & Water Reading - 30 minute
The wax & water method of carromancy involved burning a candle while keeping intention or a question in mind, then dripping the wax into a bowl of cold water and interpreting the shapes made by the hardened wax. This method was used by Druids dating back to the 5th century, and the pattern interpretations later inspired those of Tasseomancy.
A 30 minute reading would be best for basic relationship readings, basic career readings, and more in-depth general guidance.
30 minute digital reading - $30 (comes with typed reading and picture)
Wax & Water Reading - 60 minute
The wax & water method of carromancy involved burning a candle while keeping intention or a question in mind, then dripping the wax into a bowl of cold water and interpreting the shapes made by the hardened wax. This method was used by Druids dating back to the 5th century, and the pattern interpretations later inspired those of Tasseomancy.
A 60 minute reading would be best for any reading where someone might want a very in-depth look (relationships, life problems, shadow work, etc).
60 minute digital reading - $60 (comes with typed reading and picture)

Flame Scrying (Pyromancy)
Questions Reading - 30 minute
There are several forms of pyromancy from many different cultures, as pyromancy is one of the earliest forms of divination. Flame scrying, specifically, involves studying the movements, color, shape, and intensity of the flame all while using the flame as a medium for clairvoyance.
This reading is best for specific questions, whether that be a simple yes/no, or something more in-depth.
Digital - $40 (includes video of flame movements, picture of completed burn, and typed reading)
Questions Reading - 60 minute
There are several forms of pyromancy from many different cultures, as pyromancy is one of the earliest forms of divination. Flame scrying, specifically, involves studying the movements, color, shape, and intensity of the flame all while using the flame as a medium for clairvoyance.
This reading is best for questions relevant to more complicated or broad issues, as it allows for a more in-depth interpretation.
Digital - $80 (includes video of flame movements, picture of completed burn, and typed reading)
General Reading - 30 minute
There are several forms of pyromancy from many different cultures, as pyromancy is one of the earliest forms of divination. Flame scrying, specifically, involves studying the movements, color, shape, and intensity of the flame all while using the flame as a medium for clairvoyance.
This reading is best for a general view and guidance. Whether that be a personal check-in, career reading, relationship reading, or a specific concern.
Digital - $40 (includes video of flame movements, picture of completed burn, and typed reading)
General Reading - 60 minute
There are several forms of pyromancy from many different cultures, as pyromancy is one of the earliest forms of divination. Flame scrying, specifically, involves studying the movements, color, shape, and intensity of the flame all while using the flame as a medium for clairvoyance.
This reading is best for a general view and guidance. Whether that be a personal check-in, career reading, relationship reading, or a specific concern.
Digital - $80 (includes video of flame movements, picture of completed burn, and typed reading)

Pendulum Dowsing
Yes / No Reading - Three Questions
A pendulum works as a channel for energy, whether that be personal energy, ancestral, or divine. Using a pendulum for scrying involves connecting with the pendulum, tapping into that energy and allowing that connection to guide us to answers. With this in mind, the pendulum is an amazing tool for simple readings, like yes/no or other two option questions.
Digital reading - $15 (comes with typed reading)
Yes / No Reading - Six Questions
A pendulum works as a channel for energy, whether that be personal energy, ancestral, or divine. Using a pendulum for scrying involves connecting with the pendulum, tapping into that energy and allowing that connection to guide us to answers. With this in mind, the pendulum is an amazing tool for simple readings, like yes/no or other two option questions.
Digital reading - $30 (comes with typed reading)
Yes / No Reading - Ten Questions
A pendulum works as a channel for energy, whether that be personal energy, ancestral, or divine. Using a pendulum for scrying involves connecting with the pendulum, tapping into that energy and allowing that connection to guide us to answers. With this in mind, the pendulum is an amazing tool for simple readings, like yes/no or other two option questions.
Digital reading - $50 (comes with typed reading)

Astrology Services
Birth Chart Analysis - Simple
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time and location of your birth. Most people are aware of their Sun sign, but there are multiple aspects of your chart. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life.
A simple birth chart reading (typically 8-10 pages) will analyze the planetary positions at your time of birth.
$40 - includes a types reading and printed picture of your birth chart
Birth Chart Analysis - Full
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time and location of your birth. Most people are aware of their Sun sign, but there are multiple aspects of your chart. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life.
A full birth chart reading will analyze the planetary positions at your time of birth as well as the house positions and planetary transits.
$80 - includes a typed reading (typically 15-25 pages) and a printed picture of your birth chart
Compatibility Reading
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time and location of your birth. Most people are aware of their Sun sign, but there are multiple aspects of your chart. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life.
A compatibility reading will compare two charts, looking at their planetary and house positions as well as planetary transits to give an in-depth analysis of communication styles, goals, love languages, views on commitment, and so much more.
$60 - includes a typed reading as well as printed pictures of both charts
Career Reading
The planetary and house positions as well as planetary transits on your birth chart contain a wealth of information about your strengths, talents, assets, challenges, and hidden potentials. A career reading will analyze specific aspects of your chart and interpret those findings in order to provide insight on past, current, and future career paths and goals.
$50 - includes a typed reading as well as a picture of your birth chart with relevant areas highlighted
Services provided by:
Tara Koch
Midnight Herbary / Stag & Moon
Tara practices an eclectic mix of folk magic and hedgewitchery from different ancestral traditions. Her interests include energy work, magical & medicinal herbalism, divination, astrology, and chaos magic. She has used divination as a way to connect with herself, others, and her ancestors for over 20 years.