Make it stand out.
write what you are manifesting onto fallen leaves. hold the leaves in your hands and charge them. raise energy by clenching all of your muscles as tightly as you can while visualizing your desired outcome as if it is already your reality. once you feel that you have a clear picture of what it is that you desire, take a deep breath and blow the leaves from your hand. this is particularly effective on a windy day, on the new moon and when standing somewhere high - the top of a building or a cliff side. You can use this method just as effectively to release.
An air cleansing for the witch on the go: Take a drive. Before you leave, put on your favorite music as loud as you can and roll down all of your windows. Make sure you do not have any loose papers hanging around in your car - if you do I would suggest tucking them into your glovebox. This works particularly well when driving over 45 miles per hour. Drive as long as you can/need and if your music has lyrics, BELT. IT. OUT. As the air whips through your car, around your body, and out of the windows - know that it is carrying with it any negative energies that may have been rooted in your aura.