Let Go.
What you will need:
one black candle
bay leaves or pieces of paper
a fire proof vessel
a pen
Light your candle and take a moment to tune into your breath. Write down whatever it is that you are releasing on a bay leaf or a piece of paper. Light your leaf or paper with your candle and drop it into a fireproof vessel. As you watch it burn - feel whatever it is that you are releasing turn to ashes. Once it has finished burning - repeat a positive affirmation out loud to replace what has been released. It is very important when performing any sort of releasing or banishing ritual that you have something ready to replace what is being removed. For example - if I were to perform this ritual to banish negative self talk I would come to the working prepared with an affirmation such as: “I speak to myself from a space of love.”
This spell is best performed between the waning crescent and the new moon.
What you will need:
dried root bundle
a safe place to have a fire
a container to store ashes
yellow candles
Find a dried root bundle and a safe place to light a fire. If you are using a fire pit, make sure you remove the old ashes as we will be keeping the ashes from this fire. once your fire is burning, take your root bundle and hold one at a time. Sit with that root and give it a name.
Sit with that behavior and feel how deeply rooted it is in your being. Let the experience of that behavior fill your body and when you feel that feeling as deeply and as vividly as you can, break the root from the bundle and cast it into the fire. Watch it as it burns and turns to ash and feel it being uprooted from your psyche. After each root burns, repeat a positive affirmation out loud 3 times to replace what you have removed. Say it with conviction. Believe it with your heart. Make a list of these affirmations as you will use them regularly. Once you have moved through all of the roots needed, let the fire burn out. once the fire is completely out, gather the ashes. whenever you feel any of these feelings beginning to present themselves mix some of the ashes in with a small amount of oil and use them to dress a yellow candle (for power of conviction) light the candle and repeat the affirmation aloud 3 times.
This spell is best performed between the waning crescent and the new moon.
As fun as it may be - not all fire magick involves lighting things on fire. Another simple way that you can incorporate the energies of fire into your practice is to make use of the ashes of whatever it is that you burned. That sheet of paper that you had written what you were releasing on? Take those ashes and use them to draw a sigil that calls in what you are replacing those habits with. Did you do a protection spell and burn some incense? Take those ashes and add them to salt to create black salt - a powerful protective tool.
Use your intuition -
there is limitless potential.