Spring Equinox
March 20
At Spring Equinox, night and day are at an equal length and it is a time of great balance. It is also a time to honor Eostre, the Germanic Goddess of spring and dawn, with festivities celebrating rebirth and renewal. However, very soon, the energy that has been building since Yule, will burst and the Sun will breathe life into nature.
One a plenty, two a plenty…
Hot cross buns tend to be associated with a lot of Christian/Easter symbolism, however, some historians believe that pre-Christian Celts marked the buns with an equal-sided cross to symbolize the earth and the sky or the sun. Nowadays, it is generally accepted in the pagan community that the cross of dough on top of the buns represents the balance between light and dark that occurs during Spring Equinox.
Ostara Tarot spread
created and provided by Tales of the Tarot