Summer Solstice (Litha)
June 21
Litha, also known as Summer Solstice or Midsummer, is the shortest day of the year and a time of joy and celebration. The sun is shining and flowers are in bloom, but as the tale of the Oak King and Holly King tell us, darkness is coming as the Holly King will take the reins and the days will get shorter. Litha reminds us to rejoice in light and all that summer brings, but also that the Wheel is turning and to prepare for darkness.
Easy & delicious honey cake
Honey is very important during Litha celebrations. It’s golden color represents the sun, and during Summer the bees are hard at work producing this delicious nectar. The full moon during Midsummer is known at the Honey Moon, and is a popular time for Pagan handfasting ceremonies.
Litha Tarot spread
created and provided by Tales of the Tarot